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Aleks James (over 3 years ago)

She admitted voting Trump. Tells you all you need to know.

user_15121 (over 5 years ago)

To prove what a troll she is here are some of the accounts chaturbate have banned

Everytime banned for causing trouble.

Cam4 have let her off with too much. Scoobs has always been the biggest troublemaker

user_16260 (over 3 years ago)

Chaurbate operate so much better than cam4 when it comes to banning trouble makers. When you think about how many ruins Scoobs ruined and the amount of guys she drove off the site with her immature vendettas Cam4 should have got rid of her years ago.

D503 (over 5 years ago)

Looks like she is poison. Makes me wonder if she tricked me as back when I used to perform on cam Scoobs was a regular in my room and often asked me to ban people she flagged up as trouble.I did ban a couple and now I'm feeling bad about it.

user_8032 (over 5 years ago)

That is how she operates. Scoobs will befriend a performer or their mod then lure them into banning all the people she has beef with from their rooms. I wish I had realized her games earlier. I lost a good friend in Dee because of this bitch and her lies.

_rosa_ (over 5 years ago)

It is big shame. I trusted her once and took Scoobs side when she fell out with Dee. Today Dee I apologise. Scoobs was and still is trouble maker.

user_15046 (over 5 years ago)

She is AWFUL! For some sick & twisted reason she has spread rumours around the site that bloating was having sex with his own brother. What sort of person is she? nasty evil witch. no one trust her

whodat20 (over 5 years ago)

Saw this bitch was back on cam4 earlier still spreading her poison. When will she realize no one likes her?

user_10118 (over 6 years ago)

She once told me to block Carolina from viewing my profile as she claimed Matt told her that was where Felix came from and Scoobs really hates Felix, she tried to get him banned so many times. I have screen grabs/shots I took so if she ever tries to deny it I can prove the facts

user_14889 (over 6 years ago)

I see this fat ugly bitch is still on cam4 spreading her bile. when will she take the hint and realize no one likes her?

red neck (over 6 years ago)

I agree with the consensus this bitch is awful. Just wish I had woken up to her sooner. She is without doubt a real cause of conflict on cam4 with her games, didn't her follow buddy USADavid get banned when it was found out he was using alternative accounts to abuse members with? Scoobs was probably the one who put him up to it while she sits back and pretends to be everyone's friend. Awful woman. Reason she wanted models to block south carolina is because its where Felix came from and she hates him with a passion.

user_8721 (over 6 years ago)

She seems to hate gay men getting more attention than her, she comes across as homophobic. I'm not surprised Chaturbate keep banning her. Cam4 should have done the same a long time ago.

user_8914 (over 6 years ago)

A couple of years ago I remember her telling a model to block South Carolina. Wonder why that was? I don't engage with her as she comes across as very 'me me me'. I hate the rooms where she has managed to make herself mod, its a total vibe killer when she is around.

whodat20 (over 6 years ago)

Happy people see Scoobs for what she is now, a bitter, nasty, old troll. I'll never forgive her for the lies she spread about Dee. I don't know why Cam4 have never banned her. Chaturbate won't allow Scoobs on there at all.

user_14647 (over 6 years ago)

It was because of Scoobskitts and all her power games that Inkabs quit the site as Scoosb was instructing his mods to ban all people she had beef with from his room. About time she had some karma.

disney195 (over 6 years ago)

Bitch is still causing trouble. She will go to models rooms and tell them to ban people she dislikes.yet its her who always plays victim. she is a lying fat bully

user_6098 (over 6 years ago)

Wow I'm surprised that fat tub of shit is still around. She and her handful of minions like biffie, david, and rob pretty much ruined cam4 for everybody with all their drama, vendettas, and backstabbing.

user_9005 (over 6 years ago)

I was in 4meandyou88's room on Cam4 when he banned her for being rude to his gay fans, she is a nasty woman.

user_8032 (over 6 years ago)

Is there anyone more hated on Cam4? So many people have been dragged into her vendettas with people played off against each other all because of her backstabbing and strange power games. Scoobs has ruined genuine friendships with her lies. I know Chaturbate have banned several of her accounts, she is lucky to still be on Cam4 I would say.

user_10310 (over 6 years ago)

4meandyou88 was talking about her yesterday, she insulted one of the female guests in his room by calling her a fake so 4meandyou88 banned Scoobskitts from the room. Then he claims several accounts trolled his page with abuse, he believes it was Scoobs using sock accounts...

user_8032 (over 6 years ago)

Is there anyone more hated on Cam4? So many people have been dragged into her vendettas with people played off against each other all because of her backstabbing and strange power games. Scoobs has ruined genuine friendships with her lies. I know Chaturbate have banned several of her accounts, she is lucky to still be on Cam4 I would say.

disney195 (over 7 years ago)

She is a bitch. all this cunt does is spread fake lies and rumours about people, there is not one person on cam4 this lying slut hasn't fallen out with. every one hate her

user_13202 (over 6 years ago)

Disney195 you are my HERO for years I have been warning people about Scoobs. All she does is cause conflict and spread lies. She even claimed one member 'Bloating' was having gay sex with his twin brother - who makes that kind of shit up? she is awful.

user_8721 (over 6 years ago)

Tim and his wife split because of that. One little lie Scoobs spread around Cam4 ruined their lives. Karma will come back to her for that. She will end up a sad, bitter, lonely old woman with no on there to love her,
