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user_12491 (about 1 year ago)

Miss this stud like mad.

faronejames (over 3 years ago)

He is a criminal lawyer and some idiot decided to out him. Sadly for the troll who did it he messed with the wrong guy as Michael got his own back ;)

SensualGoats (over 3 years ago)

That's our boy! Good to know he's doing well. Other than his Amazon registry still being open, this is the only news I've had on Michael. How did you come across this information?

geilxxx (over 2 years ago)

In 2016 some cunt guy who used to mod for models on cam4 got jealous of other models success so decided to dox performers he viewed as competition to his fave. Fitdude and LoganChase were also targets of the same guy. I won't name the 'mod' here but the performer he would mod for is the top listed on this site so its not too difficult to work out who he is

geilxxx (over 4 years ago)

Hope he is okay

user_3234 (over 5 years ago)

anyone know whats happened to him?

user_2125 (over 9 years ago)

Michael is the BEST i ever saw online and this website has him ranking 3 !! I do not understand why his bf lets him cum online all time if i was his bf id be swallowing deep sucking dry and taking him deep inside so much he wouldnt have time or energy to be on cam

Cheekywank (over 9 years ago)

Yesterdays show was by far the hottest thing I've personally ever witnessed on Cam4. I just had to add him to my cams so that I never miss him again. Full marks to the hot guys who made him cum too. It seems he is only into big muscle guys but he certainly isn't arrogant and welcomes everyone into his room.

user_8796 (over 9 years ago)

I dunno, I think the hottest thing I've seen was when he made himself cum hands free with a dildo ;)

user_8831 (over 9 years ago)

Very sexy guy

user_8796 (over 9 years ago)

Wow, he's just all kinds of incredible isn't he? He's got to be the friendliest guy on cam as well.

user_8551 (over 9 years ago)

He puts on the best shows I have seen and all for free.

user_8388 (over 9 years ago)

He seems to attract an awful lot of twink vigins. This guy is a stud muffin.

user_2125 (over 9 years ago)

This Superman is beautiful inside and out. Very easy to talk to not arrogant or self absorbed with perfect body and handsome face im shocked he is not international model and dont have 100's awards for being BEST

user_8256 (over 9 years ago)

He is the hottest on Cam4. I only found his cam by accident now I'm hooked.

user_8068 (over 9 years ago)

The most beautiful man I ever seen. Body is a work of art. He will have your cock hard within seconds.

robatista@l (over 10 years ago)

Please follow this muscled, handsome and HUNG boy:


his dick full hard is the size of his forearm ..

user_7000 (over 10 years ago)

Michael might be hot but he is the most arrogant on Cam4. I think the fat old men hiding behind pics of 18 year olds they have stolen has effected his ego. At least he is at long last asking everyone who chats to turn their cam on.

user_6927 (over 10 years ago)

Michael is hot but unless your cam is on he won't chat with you. Its always fun seeing him ask the fakes to get on cam! hahahahaha

user_6513 (over 10 years ago)

USADavid is an old man and this is where most of the profile pics he uses come from. Sugarbutt should just give it up because everyone knows he is a big liar and fake. And as for that tub of lard Scoobskitts you should see the pics of her someone capped from when she was drunk on Cam4.

user_5700 (over 10 years ago)

I had the best Skype session with this guy. i'm only 17 but he made me a man

user_6374 (over 10 years ago)

17? Did Michael know this?

user_5409 (over 10 years ago)

no one has made me cum like this man. no one

user_4577 (over 10 years ago)

all the young boys love Michael and who can blame them! he is the person they all want to lose their virginity too.

user_4256 (over 10 years ago)

The only downside to this guys room is the fact its full of guys using pretend pics to get his attention. I don't know if its just one guy with 50 IDs or just many sad guys desperate for attention but its ruining the room because its all so fake.

user_2125 (over 11 years ago)

Michaelinwdc is ONLY one I ever saw on cam4 that makes me go ga ga. Everytime when i do see him cum online i say outloud WOW!! He is ABSolutely most beautiful chisled work of art I ever saw
