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CamCritic (over 8 years ago)

Last Broadcast: Jun 17, 2015 so sad he was really getting in to it

user_8914 (over 9 years ago)

I will also agree, I don't pvt with guys but I wanted to try it and he was amazing.

LTD84 (over 9 years ago)

I had a private show with him earlier. Got to agree with the comments below. He is very hot and makes it all about you. One of the best private shows I have ever had on there. Highly recommended.

CamCritic (over 9 years ago)

he is still around but comes on later than usual and his shows are defiantly getting hotter and hornier this is a straight guy trying to satisfy mainly gay men so good luck to him

user_8556 (over 9 years ago)

whats happned tp him?

CamCritic (over 10 years ago)

Yes agree I have since had 2 pvt shows with him and they were very hot, love the pea green bobbly dildo that I think is a kiddy's toy and his hot fingering of his hole is great

badme (over 10 years ago)

Oops looks like I accidentally posted the message too many times. But it wouldn't load so.. Well I meant every word so it's no biggie. Mmm talking about Jack makes me want his Greek God body again. Or was I not supposed to mention his origins? YUMMY

badme (over 10 years ago)

I've been in private with him every week since I first saw him and his shows are HOT! He has a yummy uncut cock and shoots a huge load, I just wish he would shoot it in my mouth.. Oh well.. He is cute and friendly and I enjoy every minute spent with this guy. I always come back for more, I could never get bored.

CamCritic (over 10 years ago)

A hot guy but that is about it his shows are starting to get a little bit better than his normal boring routine and his pvt shows are slightly hotter as he will finger his hole a little bit but still needs improvement. I am a bit skeptical of him as this location changes all the time as dose his user name, have noticed that he had deleted his friends and the only way to get on there is to tip. The show I am watching of him is as I type this review and he is now showing his hole on close up, perhaps I may end up eating my words as it is defiantly an improvement on his previous shows.

CamCritic (over 10 years ago)

handsome guy but pvt shows are quite boring
